by Growing Healthy Homes

We all try to teach our children proper nutrition. As a homeschooling mom I hope that by eating all meals at home that we are teaching our children correct principles. We also want them to learn about how their bodies function. I have tried to find a curriculum that encompassed both aspects but was also fun and enjoyable. We were sent Nutrition 101: Choose Life by Growing Healthy Homes to review. This program is fantastic. It is biblically based with scriptures to aid in the discussion. We are LDS so we also have the World of Wisdom to incorporate into our discussion of nutrition as well. We have learned so much in just the short time we have had it. It is a full curriculum so we were not able to get through the entire thing, but what we have done is great.
This nutrition program comes in two forms, CD-ROM, $79.95 and a printed book form, $99.95 or can order the combo which is both the CD-ROM and the book for $129.95. We received the ebook to review. There are six units and 448 pages. Each unit is broken up into chapters. There are recipes for new dishes to try, websites to go to, discussion questions to talk about, activites, and fun colorful pictures.
My son Ben, (almost 9years), was reading in Unit 2 (digestion) that it is not good for you to drink ice water with your meals, because it shocks your stomach and hinders digestion. Well, I love ice water. I tend to drink more water if I drink it with ice. Ben is a great helper and gets me my ice water when I ask, so one day at dinner I asked him if he would get me a large glass of ice water for me. He comes back to the table with a large glass of room temperture water and informs me that ice water is not good for me, which leads us into a discussion on why etc... Brian, my husband thought that was funny that Ben was telling ME what was best. I am not sure that I want him to learn anything ever again!! Just kidding. I love it that he is learning and teaching me as well. We also made guacamole from the brain unit. We learned that avacados have healthy fats that are good for our brain function.
Nutrition 101: Choose Life is a bit expensive but you will not have to buy another program for nutrition and human body again. It is good for all ages, there are enough activites and discussion questions that you can make it as easy or as hard as you want. I encourage you to go to their website and watch the video on the program and to check out the other TOS bloggers and read their reviews.
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