Guardian Angel Publishing
*No Bones About It~the Sum of Our Parts Series
*Andy and Spirit Go to the Fair
*Gifts from God
I received 5 free ebooks to review from Guardian Angel Press.
Rainbow Sheep
This cute little story is about a shepardess who befriends a rainbow. The rainbow is sad and the girl tries to cheer her up. The rainbow cries tears and turns the sheep different colors. Very cute for little ones. Geared to ages 4-10 years. At teh end of the book is a project on learning how to felt.
It is 24 pages. $5 for download $9.95 + shipping for paper copy. There are also other options as well, see the link above.
The only thing that I did not like about this book is that I wished that the picture came after the reading instead of before it. We would look at a picture then read about it and then end up scrolling up to see the picture in more detail.
This book is full of pictures, scriptures, and sayings. It is not a story book or an educational book, it is an inspirational book. There are lovely pictures inclueded with the various quotes.
I am not a fan of a book full of pictures of people i do not know with quotes etc.. But if you this is lovely and would be agreat gift. (in the paper copy form) I really do not like it being an ebook, because it was not a storybook or educational and was hard to "snuggle" with my kiddos.
$5 for the eBook download or $10.95 + shipping for the print copy.
Andy and his horse, Spirit, find some great fun at the fair. They learn to overcome challenges and become heroes in the process.
My son, Ben, read this book to his sister and my daycare kiddos. It was probably a bit long for them (they range in ages 1-4). It was great reading practice for Ben. It also has a great messge. $5 for an ebook download $10.95 + shipping for printed copy.
Con~ It is really hard to snuggle up with an ebook, my suggestion would be to buy the print copy of this story book so you can snuggle up on the couch with the little one.
Have you ever wanted to memorize the bones in your body, but found it too daunting? Well, this is not only educational but really fun. Study the bones, take quizzes, and learn fun little facts.
This is just one of the books in The Sum of Our Parts series.
$5 for the eBook download & $10.95 + shipping for the print copy.
We really had a fun time with this book and enjoyed it.
This book won an honorable mention at the 2009 Green Book festival.
This book contains nearly everything you and your child ever wanted to know about earthquakes. What causes an earthquake? When can we do to prepare for one? There are lots of fun tidbits. There is even some experiments included!
Earthquake is well worth the $5 for the eBook. Get a printed copy for $10.95 + shipping.
Overall these were really good books. However I am not a fan of eBooks, I would much rather pay a bit extra to get a printed copy.
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